It starts with frustration and ends with FRUSTRATION!!!
Yes, we are talking about that four letter word that's like chocolate.. some love it, some hate it and others, just don't care.. and we are not talking about love here, it's life which is so fucked up, it makes your world go round till you are too dizzy to stay sane.
Have you ever wondered how it is to let your life go out of control right in front of your eyes and strangle you, while you stand there hapless with no knowledge of what is to come and where its taking you..
Have you ever wondered how it is when you are desperately trying to fix those wrecked pieces of your life, while they keep messing up more n more..
Have you ever wondered how it is when your own reflection stares at you like a stranger..
Have you ever wondered how it is when every time you try to solve this crossword, the answers just won't match..
Have you ever wondered how it is when you wake up to a person more beaten than the one who slept..
Have you ever wondered how it is to live with yourself, when you are hating every bit of it..
Have you ever wondered how it is to shovel through this snow, when all you want to do is curl up and get frozen..
Have you ever wondered how it is when you are trying to hold onto something with all your might, and all you are left with is zilch..
Have you ever wondered how it is when, just when you decide you are at the bottom of the world, you find yourself getting plunged, deeper still..
Have you ever wondered how it is to scream your head off and not hear a sound, when all you want is to cry out loud n tears just won't come out..
Have you ever wondered how it is to feel a love that the whole world can see except the one you love..
Have you ever wondered how it is to feel so down that even chocolate doesn't work..
Have you ever wondered how it is when you are standing in a circle of light and yet, it's only the shadows beyond it that you can see..
Have you ever wondered how it is when every time you look back, all you see is mistakes that you could never learn from, wounds that time could never heal, and regrets that would never go away.
And then, have you also wondered.. that no matter how unhappy we are, no matter how much in pain, no matter how powerless we feel.. we still choose to live.. dangling by that faint glimmer of hope.. that someday things will change.. Maybe, life's not about frustration after all..
Maybe, it's just about a promise.. that, deep inside you know.. will be broken.. and you will be left again.. to wonder!